Create server password StarBound

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It is not possible to set a general server password.
Instead, a "user account" must be created in starbound_server.config.
In order to be able to edit that config, your server must be in Advanced Mode.

Open your server to edit its settings. To do this, click on the name in the server overview.
Alternatively, you can also click on the grey cogwheel.

Then click on starbound_server.config on the left and scroll to:

"allowAnonymousConnections" : true,

Change the entry as follows:

"allowAnonymousConnections" : false,

With this change, players must now enter a username and password when connecting.
Now, an entry must be created in the starbound_server.config for these players.
The entry for a user looks like this:

  "serverUsers" : {
     "UserName" : {
         "admin" : false,
         "password" : "YourPW"

Replace UserName with the name of the user you want to allow to join the server.
. For example, the entry could look like this:

  "serverUsers" : {
     "urizen" : {
         "admin" : false,
         "password" : "TestPW"

And with multiple users:

  "serverUsers" : {
     "Max" : {
         "admin" : false,
         "password" : "TestPW1"
     "Mix" : {
         "admin" : false,
         "password" : "TestPW2"
     "Mox" : {
         "admin" : false,
         "password" : "TestPW3"

Then click on Save and restart your server.

Note: Admins are created in a similar way. We describe HERE how to do this.