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Language & Currency


Satisfactory: Your game, your server

Satisfactory Rent server
from 16.37
AUD /month
from 19.52
BGN /month
from 53.03
BRL /month
from 14.51
CAD /month
from 9.32
CHF /month
from 77.55
CNY /month
from 247.59
CZK /month
from 74.40
DKK /month
from 9.98
EUR /month
from 8.51
GBP /month
from 84.39
HKD /month
from 75.22
HRK /month
from 3,892.89
HUF /month
from 170,945.59
IDR /month
from 39.76
ILS /month
from 898.29
INR /month
from 1,482.18
ISK /month
from 1,598.26
JPY /month
from 14,428.53
KRW /month
from 185.24
MXN /month
from 51.14
MYR /month
from 112.84
NOK /month
from 17.66
NZD /month
from 609.37
PHP /month
from 43.58
PLN /month
from 49.68
RON /month
from 1,169.78
RUB /month
from 113.35
SEK /month
from 14.49
SGD /month
from 384.14
THB /month
from 327.88
TRY /month
from 10.80
USD /month
from 202.64
ZAR /month
from 13.00
date /month

Upload Savegame for Satisfactory

You can upload your savegame in 2 ways.
Either directly in the game or via FTP.


We recommend this method. Just make sure that the savegame is located in the game’s savegame folder:
The server must be running and already claimed for this method.
To learn how to do this, refer to the guide HERE.
Once you have claimed the server, click on Manage Savegames.
Then click on Upload Savegame. You should now see a selection of available savegames.
Upload the desired savegame.
Once it is uploaded, you just need to load this savegame under the Load Savegame section.


Tip: We recommend using an FTP program like Filezilla for this method.

Follow these steps:

  1. Stop your server. The status should be Server not running!
  2. Connect to the Savegames FTP) with your FTP program.
    You can find the login details in the FTP overview when you click on FTP.
  3. Your savegame needs to be uploaded to the following directory on the server:
    Note: You can find the ConfigID or Configuration ID for your server on our site under Gameserver.
    For example, if your ConfigID is 123456, the path would be: /123456/saves/Saved/SaveGames/server
  4. Once your savegame is uploaded, start your server.

You now need to start the Savegame on the server.
For this, you must have claimed the server beforehand.
Refer to the guide HERE.
Click on Manage Savegames and then on Load Savegame.
Select your uploaded savegame.