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Language & Currency


Satisfactory: Your game, your server

Satisfactory Rent server
from 16.37
AUD /month
from 19.52
BGN /month
from 53.03
BRL /month
from 14.51
CAD /month
from 9.32
CHF /month
from 77.55
CNY /month
from 247.59
CZK /month
from 74.40
DKK /month
from 9.98
EUR /month
from 8.51
GBP /month
from 84.39
HKD /month
from 75.22
HRK /month
from 3,892.89
HUF /month
from 170,945.59
IDR /month
from 39.76
ILS /month
from 898.29
INR /month
from 1,482.18
ISK /month
from 1,598.26
JPY /month
from 14,428.53
KRW /month
from 185.24
MXN /month
from 51.14
MYR /month
from 112.84
NOK /month
from 17.66
NZD /month
from 609.37
PHP /month
from 43.58
PLN /month
from 49.68
RON /month
from 1,169.78
RUB /month
from 113.35
SEK /month
from 14.49
SGD /month
from 384.14
THB /month
from 327.88
TRY /month
from 10.80
USD /month
from 202.64
ZAR /month
from 13.00
date /month

How do I play on my Satisfactory server?

How you can play on your Satisfactory server is very simple.
Please make sure that your server is running, the status must be Server is running!

Start a new game

  1. Start your game
  2. Click on Server Manager
  3. Then click on Add Server
  4. Enter the IP of your server and if necessary, also the port if it is not 15777
    Click on Confirm
  5. At the first start, you will be asked to claim the server and to assign a server name and admin password.
    Save your adminpassword as you will not be able to view it again!
  6. Click on create game. Here you can select the world as well as assign a name for the server as well as the session.
    Note: Please limit the characters to 0-9, a-z and A-Z, no special characters!
    Note: The name of the session is also the name of the savegame.
  7. If you are satisfied with your settings, click on Create Game
  8. The actual game will now be created

Continue or join the game

  1. start your game
  2. click on Server Manager.
  3. then click on Add Server.
  4. Enter the IP of your server and if necessary, also the port if it is not 15777
    Click on Confirm
  5. then click on Status followed by Join game.
