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Empyrion - Galactic Survival: Your game, your server

Empyrion - Galactic Survival Rent server
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Change the settings of your scenario in Empyrion

In this article we describe how you can change the settings for your desired scenario.
Tip: We recommend using a text editor with syntax highlighting like Notepad++.

For this you need the gameoptions.yaml of the respective scenario.
You will find this in your game installation under:
..\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Scenarios\ folder of the scenario.

Copy this to another location and open it for editing.
For example, the file for the scenario Default Multiplayer looks like this:

    ## !! For latest info on available parameters and other details, see gameoptions_example.yaml, e.g. in Content\Scenarios\Default Random !!
      - ValidFor: [ SP, Survival ]
        DecayTime: 0
        WipeTime: 0
        ProtectTime: 0
        ProtectDelay: 0
        MaxStructures: 255
        AntiGriefDistancePvE: 0
        AntiGriefDistancePvP: 0
        AntiGriefOresDistance: 0   
        ## AntiGriefOresZone: PvE      
        EnableTrading: Player2System   
        EnableMaxBlockCount: False
        ## EnableVolumeWeight: False         ## default value
        ## EnableCPUPoints: False            ## default value
        ## AutoMinerDepletion: True          ## default value
        GroundedStructureSpawn: False
        ## TurretUndergroundCheck: False     ## default value
        ## OriginDefault: Neutral            ## default value
        ## OriginAccessOthers: True          ## default value
        ## OriginAutoAlliance: True          ## default value
        ## FriendlyFireInPvP: True           ## default value
        ## MaxSpawnedEnemies: 60             ## default value
        ## DespawnEscapePod: False           ## default value
        ## RegeneratePOIs: False             ## default value
        ## FOWTransparency: 0                ## default value
        ## DSLUnloadSecs: 30                 ## default value
        ## DSLDistancePlanet: 1200           ## default value
        ## DSLDistanceSpace: 3000            ## default value
        ## ForcePvP: False                   ## default value
        ## OriginFactionStart: False         ## default value
        ## ThrustersNeedOpenSpace: False     ## default value

      - ValidFor: [ MP, Survival ]
        ## DecayTime: 24                     ## default value
        WipeTime: 720 
        ProtectTime: 24
        ProtectDelay: 1800
        MaxStructures: 500  
        ## AntiGriefDistancePvE: 30          ## default value
        ## AntiGriefDistancePvP: 300         ## default value
        ## AntiGriefOresDistance: 30         ## default value
        ## AntiGriefOresZone: PvE            ## default value  
        ## EnableTrading: All                ## default value
        ## EnableMaxBlockCount: True         ## default value
        ## EnableVolumeWeight: False         ## default value
        ## EnableCPUPoints: False            ## default value
        AutoMinerDepletion: False    
        ## GroundedStructureSpawn: True      ## default value
        TurretUndergroundCheck: True   
        ## OriginDefault: Neutral            ## default value
        ## OriginAccessOthers: True          ## default value
        ## OriginAutoAlliance: True          ## default value
        ## MaxSpawnedEnemies: 60             ## default value
        DespawnEscapePod: True 
        RegeneratePOIs: True               
        ## FOWTransparency: 0                ## default value
        ## DSLUnloadSecs: 30                 ## default value
        ## DSLDistancePlanet: 1200           ## default value
        ## DSLDistanceSpace: 3000            ## default value
        ## ForcePvP: False                   ## default value
        ## OriginFactionStart: False         ## default value
        ## ThrustersNeedOpenSpace: False     ## default value
        ## UndergroundBpSpawn: Always        ## Permission for spawning Blueprints below terrain [Always (default), PvE, Never]

        #### In local Coop, following parameter are ignored since they are taken from Difficulty Settings window ####
        ## FriendlyFireInPvP: True           ## default value
        ## DiffEscapePodContent: Medium      ## default value
        ## DiffPlayerProgression: Normal     ## default value
        ## DiffDegradationSpeed: Normal      ## default value
        ## DiffFoodConsumption: Normal       ## default value
        ## DiffOxygenConsumption: Normal     ## default value
        ## DiffRadiationTemperature: Normal  ## default value
        ## DiffAmountOfOre: Normal           ## default value
        ## DiffNumberOfDeposits: Normal      ## default value
        ## DiffAttackStrength: Medium        ## default value
        ## DiffEnemySpawnRate: Normal        ## default value
        ## DiffDronePresence: Normal         ## default value
        ## DiffDroneBaseAttack: Normal       ## default value
        ## DiffConstrCraftTime: Normal       ## default value
        ## DiffBpProdTime: Normal            ## default value

Note that the file consists of two blocks.
One block for single player and one for multiplayer.
You must enter the values below - ValidFor: [ MP, Survival ] in the file.
Upload your file to the following directory:
ConfigID/Content/Scenarios/Folder of the scenario.

Note: You can find the ConfigID or configuration ID for your server on our page under Gameserver.
For example, if your configID was 123456, it would look like this:/123456/Content/Scenarios/Folder of the scenario.
Restart your server. It should now take over the file you edited.

**Tip: For a description of the settings, please open the gameoptions_example.yaml.
You will find it in the directory of the respective scenario.